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How Does Hospice Work?
Hospice is a philosophy of care and focuses on maintaining the best quality of life for the patient rather than treating their illness. Hospice is for individuals who are suffering from an illness which can no longer be treated by curative medicine, and has left the individual with up to six months with their loved ones. In order to maintain the best quality of life for our patients we not only focus on physical distress, but we also work to address emotional and spiritual issues as well. Our professional team personalizes each treatment to the needs of the specific patient and family in order to insure their wishes for their remaining time with us are met. Below we have more details for each participant - patient and family.
Hospice Information for Patients.
Our patients are at the center of everything we do at Pathway Hospice & Palliative Care. Whether you would prefer to stay in your home, at your assisted living community or any other place you call home, we will work tirelessly to ensure your time left will be as comfortable as possible. We understand how valuable this time is for our patients and their families, and strive to keep our patients as alert and like themselves as possible while managing the symptoms of their terminal illness. Hospice care tries to manage symptoms so that a person's last days may be spent with dignity and quality, surrounded by their loved ones.
You will be assisted by a personalized team of professionals including nurses, social workers, chaplains, volunteers and even therapy dogs! Each trained in providing the highest level of care and understanding to help you through this stage of life.
Our skilled staff of nurses are experts at pain management and end-of-life care, and will assist with everything from administering medication, and bathing to comforting and listening. Our registered nurses will also educate you on what is happening as they are the link between you, your family and the physician. A physician will approve a plan of care for you and work with the nurses as well as the hospice medical director to insure your time is as pain-free and enjoyable as possible.
For those who are interested, the services of clergy and spiritual counselors, volunteers, and therapy dogs are also provided to meet spiritual and emotional needs. Spiritual care is a personal process, and may include helping you explore what death means to you, saying goodbye to loved ones, and performing a specific religious ceremony or ritual. Our trained volunteers are available to listen, offer you and your family compassionate support, and assist with everyday tasks such as shopping, reading and companionship.
All services provided including medication, equipment and medical supplies related to your end-of-life care will be administered at no cost to you or your family. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Hospice Information for Families.
Anyone who has lost a loved one from a terminal illness knows that the patient is not going through that hardship alone. Family and friends experience the journey along with them. At Pathway Hospice & Palliative Care, we work hard to assure the patient is as comfortable as possible so that their loved ones are able to share special moments with them and be enabled with the ability to enjoy a loving end of life experience.
Our staff is trained to identify the signs of discomfort and to treat ailments for the patient, so they do not have to spend their remaining days in a hospital.
Our Bereavement Team specializes in providing care for you after your loved one is no longer with us. Once part of the Pathway family, always part of the Pathway family.
Choosing hospice care is not always an easy decision and while hard, it does not mean that you are giving up hope for your loved one. You are choosing to provide them with the best possible solution for their end-of-life care to assure they are comfortable and cared for.
Please contact us if you would like to learn more about Pathway’s services via phone or website.
Additional Information.
NHPCO Consumer Guide to Selecting A Hospice Program
HOSPICE - It's About How You LIVE
One of our greatest fears is dying alone in a sterile, impersonal surrouding.
We don't want to be hooked up to tubes, and cut off from our family, friends, and loved ones, and things that are familiar.
We also fear dying in pain.
We would prefer, if possible, to spend our final phase of life at home - pain-free and alert as possible - surrounded by the people and things we love.
An end-of-life care option that provides dying patients and their loved ones with comfort, compassion, and dignity does exist. It's called hospice.
This brochure will help you learn more about hospice so you and your loved ones can make an educated decision about end-of-life care. It contains information on what hospice is, what services are provided, and the key questions to asked when selecting a hospice program. The brochure will help you choose a hospice program that best suits your needs and wishes, as well as those of your loved ones.
NHPCO Facts and Figures
NHPCO Facts and Figures: Hospice Care in America provides an annual overview of important trends in the growth, delivery and quality of hospice care across the country. This overview provides specific information on:
Hospice patient characteristics
(e.g., gender, age, ethnicity, race, primary diagnosis, and length of service)
Hospice provider characteristics
(e.g., total patients served, organizational type, size, and tax status)
Location and level of care
Role of paid and volunteer staff

How Does Palliative Work?
You probably have plenty of questions about palliative care. For instance - what is palliative care and who pays for it? When is palliative care appropriate? The goal of our palliative care program is not just to support the patient but also to answer any questions you may have.
Palliative Information for Families.
Palliative care is a form of medical treatment that manages the pain, symptoms and side-effects of chronic illness. It is important to understand what palliative care is not – it is not hospice care. In fact, palliative services are very different from hospice care in that you can receive recommended treatment while still actively working towards a cure.
What is the goal of palliative care?
The goal of palliative care is to improve quality of life to assist you in carrying on with your daily life.
When is palliative care appropriate?
Palliative care is available at any stage of a serious illness and can be combined with aggressive treatments. The benefit of palliative care is that palliative experts can work with you to manage pain, symptoms and side-effects while your doctors focus on treatment.
Improving Quality Of Life Through Symptom Management
To understand the benefits of palliative care, it’s important to understand the basics of palliative care:
The goal of any palliative care program is to manage pain and symptoms of a chronic illness to improve quality of life.
It can be provided in a number of settings including a hospital, home, assisted living or long-term care facility.
It is provided by a team consisting of a physician, nurse practitioner and medical social worker to address the total needs of the patient and family.
It guides patients and families faced with difficult decisions about how to proceed with care and treatment.
Palliative care benefits:
Let palliative experts manage your pain and symptoms while your doctors focus on treatment.
Receive medical, social, emotional and spiritual care from people who know what you’re going through.
Receive guidance and support in dealing with the healthcare system and your individual healthcare needs.
Don’t let the symptoms of a chronic illness or the side-effects of its treatment stop you from living your life.
What Is Palliative Care At Home?
The main goal of palliative care in the home is to improve the quality of life for patients. At Pathway Hospice & Palliative Care, we believe that receiving care in the patient’s own home is comforting, convenient and reduces stress.
Following are the palliative services that can come to your home:
Medical evaluations, including monitoring for common symptoms like nausea, vomiting, pain, and anxiety
Prescribing medications to ease these symptoms
Additional medical applications like treating wounds and other medical needs
Physical therapy and other rehabilitation needs
Providing emotional and spiritual support in addition to physical
Providing social interaction
Providing guidance on navigating the healthcare system and understanding individual healthcare needs
What Are The Benefits Of Receiving Palliative Care In The Home?
Maximum convenience – we come to your home based on your schedule
Remain as comfortable as possible in your own familiar surroundings
Avoid additional costs for hospital stays, medical fees, travel, etc.
Receive help for medical, emotional and spiritual support needs
Palliative Care Wherever You Call Home
Palliative care can be provided in a variety of settings. Whether a patient is at home, in an outpatient facility, or the hospital, they can be provided the level of care needed to assure their quality of life is maintained.