Upstate: 864.312.6825 Midlands: 803.391.3146

Dear Healthcare Professional
We at Pathway Hospice & Palliative Care, LLC would like to take this opportunity to familiarize you with our exemplary and dedicated staff backed by solid credentials.
We can provide you with a consistent partnership of compassion, highly skilled and multidisciplinary care for your patients. Pathway Hospice & Palliative Care, LLC core values are composed of honesty, empathy, dignity, and respect which is evident throughout our integrity and daily care of our patients.
We acknowledge that all patients may not be mentally or emotionally prepared for hospice services but we welcome the opportunity to develop a relationship with them and their families. We donate our team support and expertise to improve life’s challenges, build strong relationships, and recover from emotional setbacks. Assisting patients to improve their emotional health is a rewarding experience.
Below you will find the Physician’s Order Form (Page 1) and the Attending Physician’s Certification of Terminal Illness (Page 2). Also, our Hospice Pocket Guide to assist you with diagnosis indicators for hospice services. We have streamlined the referral process for simplicity and time saving measures. Please feel free to contact our office with any questions or concerns that you may have.